The Times They Are a-Changin’
Artist Rooms
On Friday, September 8th, Galerie Bastian opens its farewell exhibition The Times They Are a-Changin’ before the house is handed over to the Stiftung Preußischer Kulurbesitz in January 2019. The exhibition features separate rooms dedicated to Mark Alexander, Joseph Beuys, Dan Flavin, Anselm Kiefer, Christopher Orr, Paul Wallach, Andy Warhol and Wim Wenders.
In Wim Wenders’ room, the observer is transported time and again into the visual narrative, both in an optical or an ideational sense. As a road to nowhere, as a street corner in the night’s uncertainty, as a nebulous bird’s-eye view as closed-off house fronts promising ‚Connections’ or featuring a mysterious entrance: The exhibition offers various ways to access not only the ‚Wenders-Universe’, but also the fundamental meaning of art.
Please find the german press release here:
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