Call for Papers for International Conference on Wim Wenders
University of Richmond (USA)
„We would like to bring together scholars from North America, Europe, and elsewhere to discuss all things Wenders and take stock of his major contributions to the visual arts.
The conference will take place on Friday, February 24 and Saturday, February 25, on the campus of the University of Richmond, in Richmond, Virginia.“
We invite paper proposals on the following topics:
Wenders in the Twenty-First Century
New Research on Wenders’ “Classics”
Wenders’ Trajectory as a Filmmaker and Visual Artist
Wenders as a Theorist of Visual Culture
Wenders and his collaborators
Teaching Wenders
An abstract (max. 600 words) and a short bio (max. 100 words) should be emailed to odelers@richmond.edu and msulzerr@richmond.edu by October 1, 2016. Selected papers will be announced by October 15, 2016.